Ceredigion Place Names

The list of place names on the data base includes all the places where pubs exist or existed, including settlements, villages, towns, parishes and counties.
In the list, the following suffixes have been added to distinguish villages and parishes or regions with the same names:
(p) for parish / plwyf
(cc) for Community Council / Cyngor Cymuned
(t) for Township / Trefgordd
The address of the pub in the data-base is normally the town or village in which it is situated, but it is sometimes just the parish or area name because that is all that was listed in Trade Directories or other documents.

Problems with place names
• some pubs are in a place without a name (e.g. those on main roads between towns).
• some pubs have postal address of a village in an adjacent parish, or even in an adjacent county;
• parish and county boundaries have changed;
• new parishes have been created;
• place names have changed;
• place names were miss-spelled, or unidentifable.

Most place names in Ceredigion are Welsh, but there is often more than one way of recording them, with or without hyphens, e.g. Aberarth; Aber-arth. Generally, place names without hyphens are used in many official documents and maps.
Alternative names with hyphens have been recorded on this site if they appear in A Gazetteer of Welsh Place-Names / Rhestr o Enwau Lleoedd (ed / gol. Elwyn Davies, UWP / GPC, 1975).

A very few places have distinct English and Welsh names (e.g. Cardigan / Aberteifi), and several have been miss-spelled in the past (Abersytwyth / Aberystwith).
It should be possible to search for places under any of the standard versions.