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Extract from LAMPETER by George Eyre Evans, 1905

URL: https://archive.org/stream/lampeter01evangoog/lampeter01evangoog_djvu.txt       Date checked:
Source:       Date:
Copyright:       Type: Book extract

Talking about Daniel Evans (1792 — 1846), Welsh poet ...

“On the 15th September, and the 27th December, 1904, I had
conversation with his octogenarian niece, Mrs. Jenkins (Mynach Villa, Cribyn) who had lived with her uncle (Daniel) for some years prior to his death. Never,
on any occasion, had she seen him the worse for liquor, nor did
they keep any in the house. Every night, as a rule, he walked
to the "Clock Inn," Cribyn, for his glass of ale and a chat with
the villagers, and invariably returned to his home sober and in
good time."

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Clock , Cribyn