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Alleged offence

Source: Aberystwyth Observer 22/05/1880       Date: 1880
Copyright:       Type: Newspaper

LICENSING OFFENCE. Mary Beyston, Cross Foxes Inn, Mill Street, was charged with keeping her house open daring prohibited hours. P.C. Daniel Jones said that on the previous Sunday afternoon he was walking down Mill Street, at about five o'clock, when he heard a deal of talking in the Cross Foxes Inn. He went to the door, and had to knock twice before he was admitted. The landlady (defendant) opened the door, and he went in and saw three men sitting in the room. Two of them were strangers; the other lodged in the house. He asked the two men what they were doing there, and they replied that they had appointed to meet a friend there. The landlady told him. the lodger admitted the two other men, and she did not know they were there until she saw them then. She had not supplied them with drink. He did not see any drink before them, but there were marks on the table before them. He could not any whether they might have been caused by water or beer. He heard something rattling before he went in. The men afterwards left. The defendant said she was going to prepare tea when the policeman knocked at the door, and hearing him knock she hurried to open, the door, putting down the tea tray with a crash. That caused the noise which witness heard. The Mayor said that as there appeared; to be no direct proof of beer having been supplied, and- as the landlady said she did not admit the men, thr bench had no alternative but to dismiss the case;
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Beyston, Thomas and Mary [-]
Cross Foxes , 17 Mill Street, Aberystwyth

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