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Assault in the Cambrian Inn
Source: Welshman 13/01/1865
Date: 1865
Copyright: Type: Newspaper
Description: Transcript:Mr John J. Griffiths, of this town, master plasterer, summoned Mr R. J. Jones, now of this town (grandson of the late John Jones, of Bryngarw), who had recently come from America, for assaulting him on the evening of the 6th instant This case having created some excitement the court was well filled. Mr Vaughan appeared for the defendant. Mr J J. Griffiths said: I was at the Cambrian Inn" on the evening of the 6th instant, the defendant came into the room where I was and struck me in my face without any provocation. Cross-examined by Mr Vaughan: I did not say the defendant was a married man and had children in America. The defendant asked me whether I knew him. I never said anything about the defendant. Mr Jones, the landlord, and family were in the room at the time. There was no strange female in my company. They all knew I was sober. Richard Rees said: I was at the "Cambrian Inn" at the time. I saw what took place between the complainant and the defendant. I saw the defendant coming to the complainant and saying something to him in a low voice, and then gave him (the complainant) a terrific blow. On being cross-examined the witness said I did not hear the complainant saying anything to the defendant The complainant and defendant were both sober. David Jones, landlord of Cambrian Inn, said: I saw what took place at my house on the evening of the 6th instant. I heard the complainant telling the defendant something, and the defendant said he had heard that the complainant had been reporting about the town that he was a married man, and the defendant struck the complainant. I saw a woman sitting by the complainant, who took two glasses of ale from him. The defendant was fined 10s and costs, which were paid. As these parties were going out from the hall the defendant again made an attempt to assault the complainant. Mr Griffiths having been advised to get a warrant for the apprehension of defendant, took steps accordingly, when the warrant was issued, and since the defendant has been bound over to keep the peace.
Notes:Linked to Cambrian Inn , North Parade, Aberystwyth