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Keeping a disorderly house

Source: Aberystwyth Times 26/03/1870       Date: 1870
Copyright:       Type: Newspaper

A Publican Fined for Keeping a Disorderly House.- Benjamin Jones, the landlord of the Cambrian Inn, North Parade, was summoned for this offence. -P.C. Evan Jones said that last Saturday night, about ten o'clock, he was standing by the Cambrian Inn, kept by the defendant, when he heard a great noise in the house there was singing, cursing, and swearing. He then saw a woman struck by a man, and she fell to the ground. He went into the house and found that this man had been drinking there. He afterwards turned in about eleven o'clock, and saw several of the men with drink before them, and in a state of drunkenness. Sergeant Evans said that he also went to the Cambrian Inn about half-past eleven o'clock on Saturday night, when he saw several men in the house highly inebriated and very noisy. The defendant denied that the people in the house were either drunk or noisy, and called James Bubb, who said, in corroboration of the defendant's statement, that he lodged at the Cambrian Inn, and was there on Saturday night when the constable came into the house. The people who were in the house at the time were not drunk. Some of the people came in there from the King's Head public house, where a raffle had taken place. The defendant was fined 10s., including costs.
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Cambrian Inn , North Parade, Aberystwyth