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Fighting in the yard

Source: Cambrian News 21/07/1871       Date: 1871
Copyright:       Type: Newspaper

Benjamin James, of Cardiff, and Anslow Smith were charged by P C. David Thomas (8) with having been drunk and caused a disturbance. The officer stated that at nine o'clock on the previous (Thursday) night he heard that two men were fighting in the yard of the Cambrian Inn. He went to the house, in company with another constable, and being unable to get into the yard from the street, in consequence of the door having been fastened, he got over the wall, and saw the two prisoners in their shirt sleeves. As soon as they saw witness they ran away, concealing themselves in the yard. He took them into custody. Hundreds of people were watching outside In reply to Superintendent Hall, witness said that no one sent to the police from the public-house. The Mayor said that the landlord ought to have sent; it seemed as if the proceedings of the prisoners were encouraged. The men expressed regret for their conduct, and were fined 5s. each, or fourteen days' imprisonment.
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Cambrian Inn , North Parade, Aberystwyth