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The battle of the wooden legs

Source: Welshman 19/06/1863       Date: 1863
Copyright:       Type: Newspaper

ABERYSTWITH. -COUNTY COURT. The usual monthly Court was held on Tuesday and Wednesday last, before James Edward Davies, Esq., Barrister-at- Law. David Jones, of the Beehive, shoemaker, against Richard Hughes, of North Parade, photographic artist, &c. This was an action brought to recover damages for an assault, alleged to have been committed by the defendant, on the 1st day of June last. Mr. Atwood appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Philip Vaughan for the defendant. There was one peculiarity in this case- both plaintiff and defendant having each one wooden leg. The plaintiff it appeared had a right leg, and the defendant the left leg made of wood, and from the evidence, both parties had made formidable use of their members, and had proved very expert in their management, both as instruments of offence and defence. It appeared from the evidence, that the defendant was executor of the last Will and Testament of John Jones, of the North Parade, gentleman, deceased, from whom the plaintiff had borrowed the sum of £12 on a note of hand, payable at six months after the decease of Mr. Jones, with interest at £ 5 per cent. When this event happened, and after the expiration of the term, plaintiff was applied to for the money, and he made several applications for time which was granted, but eventually defendant's patience got exhausted, and he pressed for a payment. Plaintiff then employed Mr. Hugh Hughes to accompany him to defendants residence to see the note, and to calculate the interest, if any were then payable. After they got to defendant's house, plaintiff placed the money upon the table, and Mr. Hugh Hughes got the note. Upon this being done and fancying there was a mistake in the wording of the note, plaintiff snatched off the money, and defied the defendant, saying he would never pay it. Defendant it seems then required him to leave the house, and a scuffle ensued, both parties, it would appear, making vigorous onslaught with their wooden legs. Defendant proved that plaintiff had ultimately got hold of his (plaintiff's) wooden leg, and dragged him along the passage. Mr. W. J. Davies proved that when in that state plaintiff endeavoured to plant" his wooden leg into defendants face apparently with the view of damaging his eye, and that defendant was thereby put to great danger. Mr. Attwood endeavoured to disparage the witness's credibility, by referring to the fact that opprobrious ephithets are continually applied to him in the town, and that his evidence was not trustworthy. His Honour interposed and said that the witness Davies had given evidence like a gentleman, straightforward and to the point, and shewed to him clearly that the witness was an educated man. Evidence was then given as to the contusions, &c. His Honour in summing up concluded thus, Taking all the circumstances into consideration and that no formal request was made by defendant to plaintiff to leave the house, when he got abusive before he forcibly ejected, he would give one farthing damages for plaintiff but without costs.
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Beehive , Trefechan
Jones, David [1811-1889]

Total: 1