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List of pubs summonsed for using unstamped measures

Source: Cambrian News 30/01/1874       Date: 1874
Copyright:       Type: Newspaper

THE SECOND FIELD DAY. Last week, Superintendent Lloyd charged a number of bakers with selling bread without weight. On Wednesday last, Superintendent Lloyd summoned the following Iicensed victuallers for selling intoxicating liquors by retail in measures not stamped. The following were summoned --Mary Hughes, Swan: Inn, William Jones, King's Head, David Thomas, Nag's Head, John Rea, White Horse, David Thomas, The Angel, Evan Evans, The Fountain, M. E. Richards, Blue Bell, Owen Jones, The Cambrian. Anne Jones, The Lord Nelson, Margaret Thomas, Old Black Swan, J. Jones. Welsh Harp, Sarah Jones, Terminus Vaults, Morgan Evans, Sailors Home, John Richards, Three Tuns, and Donald McDonald, Prince Albert. The case of Mary Hughes was gone into, and Superintendent Lloyd said he was inspector of weights and measures in Aberystwyth. On Saturday, Jan. 24th, he instructed a constable to go into Mary Hughes's house and ask for a pint of beer. Witness then went in, and defendant said she did not know the jug ought to have been stamped, and Superintendent Lloyd said he did not think one of them knew about the law. Mr Arthur Hughes pointed out that the highest penalty was £10, and the least penalty was £1, and it seemed hard that fifteen of the poorest publicans in the town should be made to suffer. Mr Lloyd said the measures were not deficient, in fact some of them were more than measure. Mr Lloyd said he would withdraw the summons in all the cases on condition that the costs were paid in each case. Defendant was fined 21, and 8s. costs, and it was understood that all the defendants would join together in paying the penalty of Mary Hughes, as her case was only taken as a test one.
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Angel , 6 Church Street / 57-59 Great Darkgate St / St James Square , Aberystwyth
Black Swan , Butchers Market, Aberystwyth
Blue Bell , Corporation Street / 52 Terrace Road corner, Aberystwyth
Cambrian Inn , North Parade, Aberystwyth
Fountain Inn , Trefechan
Kings Head , 56 North Parade, Aberystwyth
Lord Nelson Inn , Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth
Nags Head , Bridge Street, Aberystwyth
Prince Albert , 26 Little Darkgate Street (now Eastgate), Aberystwyth
Sailors Arms , 18 South Road / Shipbuilder's Row, Aberystwyth
Terminus , Terrace Road, Aberystwyth
Three Tuns , Trefechan, Trefechan
Welsh Harp , 54 Terrace Road / Corporation Street corner, Aberystwyth
White Horse Hotel , 48 Terrace Road / Upper Portland Street, Aberystwyth
White Swan Inn , 3 St James's Square, Aberystwyth

Total: 15