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Details of person: Morgan, David

Born: 3 Feb 1814       Died: 8 Dec 1882       Active from: 1835       Active to: 1879
Notes:In 1841 census for Llansantffraed - David Morgan, maltster aged 25 is at Pantanamlwg.

In 1861 census for Llanrhystyd Haminiog - David Morgan, age 47 is living at Alltlwyd Farm with wife Elizabeth and 10 children. The family is still there in 1881. David, 67, now described as farmer of 200 acres employing 7 labourers and 3 girls.

David Morgan was a master brewer who trained in Burton on Trent. ref: G.I Thomas in his M Phil Thesis 1994 'The Growth and Decline of Cardiganshire Shipbuilding from 1740 - 1914 with special reference to Llansantffraid' p278

Places associated with this person
Llanon/Llan-non, Llannon

Pubs associated with this person
Felinfor Brewery , Heol y Mor, Llanon, Llanon

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