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Details of person: Jones, Thomas James

Born: 1836       Died: 1872       Active from: Not known       Active to: Not known
Notes:I found a few complications over the years with regard to names, & firstly, with regard to the wife of Thomas James she was Sarah Sophia Morgans. I think you will find that Elizabeth S & Sarah Sophia are the same person.

They married April 27 1864. She was 23. He was 28 & a Draper & youngest child of Thomas Jones, Tanner, of Llanbadarn -fawr.

They had a son Thomas Henry in 1867. He was later to become publican & prior to that a good athlete & scholar.

Thomas James died in 1872 & Sarah carried on with the pub.

Sarah married David Hugh Evans in 1876. He had been Registrar of Births & Deaths. Sarah died in 1891

Thomas Henry Jones son of Thomas James & Sarah Sophia became publican after her death & he married in 1891 to Sarah Ann Ellis of Alfred Place. Sarah Ann was of the same family as John Morgans the newspaper proprietor. I see that in 1875 Thomas Ellis had the Unicorn in Alfred place. Ref Worralls 1875.

Thomas Henry died in 1897 of cirrhosis of the liver. He was 30. The reason for his father’s death was not confirmed. (contributed by David Boulton)

Places associated with this person

Pubs associated with this person
Terminus , Terrace Road, Aberystwyth

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