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Details of pub: Red Lion, Llangeitho

Other names:
OS Grid Ref: SN6194459690
Opened: c.      
Closed: before 1882       Type: Pub
Summary: For sale notice 1882 for property 'formerly a public house called the Red Lion, Llangeitho' AO 26 Aug 1882

On tithe map as 'Old Red Lion'

Notes: 1851
"CAUTION.-An Execrable Impostor.-About six weeks ago a man of very genteel exterior, called at the Red Lion Inn, Llangeitho, and being served with some refreshment, enquired whether he could be ,accommodated with private lodgings in the neighbourhood, and having been referred to a respectable single woman, a niece of a clergyman newly deceased, he represented himself as coming from near Tre' Madoc, and having lately buried his father, wife, and two brothers, and being possessed of a large farm, the dairy of which consisted of no less than thirty cows, and that he had an aunt in London, (his only relative), who was aged and infirm, but very wealthy; his object was to recruit his health and absent himself from the scene of his unhappy bereavement..." Carnarvon and Denbigh Herald 21 June 1851

DIED: "On the 24th inst., aged 73 years, Mr. David Jones, landlord of the Red Lion Inn, Llangeitho" Welshman, 27 June 1851

1851 Census
David Jones, Innkeeper, b. 1779 - Midrim [Meidrim?] Square, Village of Gwynfil

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Former pub for sale

Date: 1882