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Details of pub: Black Lion, Swyddffynnon

Other names:
OS Grid Ref: SN6928266217
Opened: before 1851      
Closed: after 1861       Type: Beerhouse
Summary: Location: from local information, as 'the building by the smithy', confirmed by "Mr Thomas Davies, blacksmith, Black Lion, Swyddffynon" (CBV 8 July 1905)

Notes: Appears in Census from 1871 on as Black Lion uchaf, isaf, canol, fawr etc. In 1851 and 1861 there is a plain 'Black Lion' as well. Occ David and Catherine Davies, he's an Ag Lab. So it's almost certainly a beerhouse. Ditto 1841

Obituary of Catherine Davies, died 27 Sept 1888, aged 88. (in Welsh) - no mention of beer! But it does say: "Gelwid y ty, yn yr hwn y preswyliai yr hen wraig uchod, yn Black Lion; ond cofier nid tafarndy ydyw, ac nis gwyddom ffordd y cafodd yr enw" (The house she lived in is called 'Black Lion', but remember that it isn't a tavern; no-one knows how it got the name) Seren Cymru
2nd November 1888

Memorial verses for David Davies by Tom, his grandson - see att.

"Eggs for Wounded Soldiers.-The Council School children are making an egg collection for the benefit of wounded soldiers. The authorities of Bethel Baptist Chapel under the stimulating influence of Mr. Thomas Davies, Black Lion, have already made a start by contributing £1 for the good cause. It is to be hoped that every household will remember that the soldiers have undergone pain and fatigue in order to ensure our safety, and will act accordingly. " The Cambrian News and Merionethshire Standard 25th February 1916

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Memorial verses

Date: 1891