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Details of pub: Fox Vaults, Aberystwyth

Other names: Fox Inn
Address/Location: North Parade
OS Grid Ref: SN5861781818
Opened: before 1862      
Closed: 1908       Type: Pub
Summary: This was built on the site of the theatre on the corner of North Parade and Thespian Street after the theatre was demolished in 1855.
(George Eyre Evans, Aberystwyth and it Court Leet, (1902), p. 124)

Notes: 1862-1908
Abstract of deeds, Ceredigion Archives, SMB/A 26
Fox Inn, Cooper, W., inn keeper, North Parade, Aberystwyth, (Morgan, T.O., New Guide to Aberystwyth and its Environs, (4th edition), p. 163, (1864), advert)
lease from: Jones, Evan, to: Cooper, William,
Ceredigion Archives, Aberystwyth Corporation Deeds 26.7
agreement from: Cooper, William, to: Roberts, David,
Ceredigion Archives, Aberystwyth Corporation Deeds 26.7
"Atransfer was made of the license of the Fox inn, North Parade, to the name of William Lloyd."AO 16 Feb 1867

agreement from: Roberts, David, to: Lloyd, William,
Ceredigion Archives, Aberystwyth Corporation Deeds 26.7
Licensee: William Lloyd
Slater’s Directory, 1868
licensee: William Lloyd
source: Post Office directory, 1871
Fox Inn, Lloyd, William, Inn and Public House, North Parade, Aberystwyth, (Worrall’s Directory, 1875)
David Roberts of the Green, Trefechan applied for the renewal of lease of the Fox Vaults, Thespian Street and building adjacent to it.
Aberystwyth Town Council Minutes, 17.8.1875. Ceredigion Archives, ABM/SE/1/2
Licence transferred to Mrs Rees. Herald Cymraeg 9 Feb 1897

Ceredigion Archives, Aberystwyth Corporation Deeds 26.7
assignment from: Hughs, Hugh, to: David Roberts and Sons, Ltd.,
Ceredigion Archives, Aberystwyth Corporation Deeds 26.7

"Mr A. J. Hughes, town clerk, applied for the transfer of the licence of the Fox Vaults to Mr J. Martin, and of the licence of Garner's Tourist Hotel to Mr James Shears. The police offered no objection and the transfers were granted. " Towyn-on-Sea and Merioneth County Times 11 June 1903

Petty Sessions: Aberystwyth; number on list: 15; name of premises: Fox Vaults; Parish / Place: Aberystwyth; Licensee: Martin, Joseph; owner or tenant : tenant; registered owner : David Roberts and Sons; free or tied: tied; tied to: Aberystwyth Brewery; type of licence: full; on or off licence: on; number of licenced days per week: 6. (1905 list)
Closed, Compensation £516
(County Licencing Committee, 1905-1938 Ceredigion Archives, Cards/QS/L/1)

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North Parade / Queens Road / North Gate, Aberystwyth, 50 inch, 1887



North Parade / North Gate, Aberystwyth, 50 inch, 1905



Compensation claim notice 1910

Date: 1910


Theft of shawl

Date: 1867


Advert for the Fox Inn

Date: 1864