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Details of pub: Albion, Aberystwyth

Other names: Albion Inn; Albion Hotel
Address/Location: Princess Street / 9 St James Square SY23 1JG
OS Grid Ref: SN5816081543
Opened: before 1859      
Closed: c. 1970       Type: Pub
Summary: Although a trade directory gave the address as Princess Street, it was actually on the corner of St James' Square and Vulcan Street.

Notes: 1859
Reference in Commissioners report for new drain. Welshman 10 June 1859

"POLICE.— On Monday, at the Statioi House, before John Davies, Esq., and Robert Edward, Esq. P.C. Hayes charged Joseph Evans and ifedry Jones, two navvies, with being drunk and dis- orderly at the Albion Tavern on the preceding evening. Each was fined one shilling and costs, which were paid" Welshman 30 Oct 1863

Licensee: Jane Jones
Slater’s Directory, 1868
Permission for Jane Jones to install trapdoor. Welshman 6 Nov 1868
Jane Jones of the Albion Inn wrote to the Nanteos estate. 'I have just purchased the lease of the storehouse adjoining the Albion tavern which is held by a lease granted by the late Col. Powell to Robert Pugh and I wish to build two houses where the storehouse stands. I wish you to extend the lease both of the storehouse and Albion Tavern, as I wish to improve the premises altogether.'
NLW Nanteos, L2296
Albion, Jane Jones, Inn and Public House, Princess Street, Aberystwyth,
(Worrall's Directory, 1875)

"DRUNK AND DISORDERLY. James Jenkins, Albion Tavern, sailor, was charged by P.C. 34 (Daniel Jones) with being drunk and disorderly. The officer said that at about 11.10 on Wednesday I night he saw the defendant leave his house, and he appeared to be very drunk. He used very bad language to two women who happened to be passing at the time. Defendant admitted the offence, and there was a previous conviction this year. He was now fined 2s 6d and costs." AO 26 July 1884
Albion Hotel, Wood, J.G., hotel proprietor, St James' Square, Aberystwyth,
(Anon, (1958), Official Guide, p. 43, (1958), advert)
possibly Petty Sessions: Aberystwyth; number on list: 1; name of premises: [blank Albion?]; Parish / Place: Aberystwyth; Licensee: Williams, David; owner or tenant : owner ; registered owner : [blank]; free or tied: free; tied to: [blank]; type of licence: full; on or off licence: on; number of licenced days per week: 6. (1905 list)
Licensee: Williams, David, 9 St James Square
(Kelly's directory, 1920)
Wales Trades' Directory
conversion of Albion Hotel to accommodation
Papers of Miss Florrie Hamer, Ceredigion Archives, ADX/415, Scrap Book No. 6

Additional information


St James Square, High Street, Vulcan Street, Aberystwyth, 50 inch, 1905



The Albion, built 1830, rebuilt 1901, 1979, now shared accommodation.

Date: 2016


1830, rebuilt 1901, 1979, now shared accommodation

Date: 2016


1830, rebuilt 1901, 1979, now shared accommodation

Date: 2016


Summoned for bad drains

Date: 1869