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Details of pub: Deva Hotel, Aberystwyth

Other names:
Address/Location: 33-34 Marine Terrace
OS Grid Ref: SN5835881978
Opened: c.      
Closed: NOT KNOWN       Type: Hotel
Notes: 1834
Building shown on map

Advert in AO.

1917 Mr Robert Kenrick died. He used to compile the Tide Tables for the area.

For sale advert in CN. Presumably not sold as business continued by wife and daughters.

Deva, Mrs Kenrick, E., hotel manager, Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, (Aberystwyth Corporation, Aberystwyth, the Biarritz of Wales, p. 5, (1923), advert)
Deva, Misses Kenrick, hotel director, Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, (Anon, Official Guide and Souvenir, p. 87, (1934), advert, photograph)
Deva, Misses Kenrick, hotel proprietor, Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, (Anon, Official Guide and Souvenir, p. 112, (1935), advert, photograph
Deva, Misses Kenrick, hotel proprietor, Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, (Anon, Official Guide and Souvenir, p. 88, (1937?), advert, photograph)
Deva, Misses Kenrick, hotel proprietor (private), Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, (Anon, Aberystwyth, Official List , p. 6, (1940), advert, photograph)

Residence of student before conscription panel. Liverpool Daily Post 19 April 1940

c.1949 Converted to Old People's Home

c.2010 Closed, vacant since, although plans for conversion to flats have been approved. (2017)

Additional information


Advert for Deva Hotel, 1910

Date: 1910


Daughter serving as nurse in India

Date: 1916

People associated with this establishment
Kenrick, Robert [1843-1917]