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Details of pub: Prince of Wales, Borth

Other names:
OS Grid Ref:
Opened: c. 1864      
Closed: NOT KNOWN       Type: Beerhouse
Summary: Census 1881 suggests it might have been near Cambrian Terrace
Seems to have changed from a beerhouse(1864), to a public house(1877), an Inn (1878) and a hotel (1882)
1869 Visitor list suggests Prince's Street, next to number 8? (Mrs Davies)

Notes: 1864 New licence granted to Mr William Brent (Welshman 9 Sept 1864)

"William Brent, of Borth, beerhouse-keeper, charged John Higginbottom with wilfully and maliciously breaking six panes of glass in the window of his dwelling-house. Settled out of court, the defendant paying the damage and costs." Welshman 12 Aug 1864
licensee: Edward Lloyd Jones (Worrall’s Directory, 1875)
A licence was granted to Mr. Samuel Bluck for the Prince of Wales public-house at Borth CN 13 July 1877

Liquidations: Samuel Bluck, of the Prince of Wales Inn, Borth, county of Cardigan, licensed victualler. S Wales Daily News 14 Dec 1878
Not on 1905 list

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A stoat in the crib

Date: 1882

People associated with this establishment
Bluck, Samuel [-]
Brent, William [1828-]

Total: 1