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Details of pub: Cambrian Inn, Aberystwyth

Other names:
Address/Location: North Parade
OS Grid Ref: SN5840581735
Opened: before 1865      
Closed: after 1874       Type: Pub
Summary: Location: Visitor list 1874 implies somewhere in 1-4 North Parade. This looks to have been replaced by what is now Natwest Bank (built 1903), probably the bit on the left. The 1887 map shows that only no. 4 had space for stabling at the back (mentioned in 1871 advert)
No references after 1874. Nothing obvious on 1881 Census.

Notes: 1865
Lic: David Jones (see assault report)

"David Jones, landlord of the Cambrian Inn, was summoned for keeping a disorderly house. P.C. Thomas said that about 12 o'clock on the previous Saturday night, he observed a row at the Cambrian Inn. He went into the house and saw about forty persons, most of them in a state of drunkenness and very noisy. The summons was dismissed. " Welshman 8 Dec 1865
"A transfer of the Cambrian Inn, North Parade, granted from David Jones to Daniel Thomas. " AO 30 March 1867
Copy of a ticket for 'A housewarming supper will take place at the Cambrian Inn, North Parade, on Thursday evening, December 31 18[68]', reproduced as a Christmas card
Ceredigion Archives ADX/883/addl/3
"ABERYSTWYTH. TO LET and Entered upon immediately, the CAMBRIAN INN, situate in North Parade, Aberystwyth. Fixtures at a valuation. Apply to Mr G. T. Smith, Auctioneer and General Agent, Portland-street, Aberystwyth. " AO 19 June 1869

Fined for keeping a disorderly house. Lic Benjamin Jones? see att (cf. 1873)
licensee: David Davies
source: Post Office directory, 1871
"NOTICE OF REMOVAL. OWEN JONES begs to inform his Friends and the Public that he has REMOVED from the Merionethshire Arms to the CAMBRIAN INN, North Parade, Aberystwyth, where he hopes to be favoured with a continuation of their patronage and support. Mild and Bitter Ales, Porter, Etc., Etc. Good Stabling." AO 30 Sept 1871
Drunken lodger - see att.

"APPLICATIONS. William Jones, of the King's Head Inn, and Owen Jones, of the Cambrian Inn, said they had come before the court to vindicate their characters. A report, which they believed originated with the officers of the militia, had been circulated, to the effect that the houses kept by them were of a low character and badly conducted. Such a rumour was false, and calculated to injure their business. The police had nothing to say against the two houses, and the mayor said that fact was sufficient to falsify the rumour. The applicants thanked the magistrates and withdrew." AO 24 May 1873
"OLD IRON! OWEN JONES, CAMBRIAN INN, GREAT DARKGATE-STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. The best prices given for every description of old metals as follows:-Copper, Brass, Lead, Iron, and Scrap Iron. READY CASH ON DELIVERY" CN 21 Nov 1873
On list of pubs '30 years ago' from 1904
In business directory as Owen Jones, Iron and Metal Merchant, Cambrian Inn (AO)

Additional information


List of pubs summonsed for using unstamped measures

Date: 1874


Assault in the Cambrian Inn

Date: 1865


Cambrian Inn 1887

Date: 1887


Keeping a disorderly house

Date: 1870


Fighting in the yard

Date: 1871


Drunken lodger thrown out

Date: 1872