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Details of pub: Cause Castle Inn, Aberystwyth

Other names: Cause and Castle
Address/Location: Pier Street
OS Grid Ref: SN5816881745 probably
Opened: before 1858      
Closed: after 1859       Type: Pub
Summary: The unusual name of this pub might be that of a place in Shropshire.
1861 Census there is only one Innkeeper in Pier Street, Mary James, unm, 48 at No. 31, which is one away from the end of the street (32) - now the Pier Hotel. Or has the numbering shifted a bit? Was the Cause Castle later the Pier? No 31 is now (2017) Ultracomida.

Notes: 1858
Marriage: On the 22nd inst., at Llanbadarn-fawr, by the Rev. John Pugh. Mr. William Evans, of the Cause Castle Inn, to Mary Anne, eldest daughter of William Vaughan, Esq., of Hopley Green Villa, Herefordshire.
The Welshman 24.9.1858

TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. JOHN EVANS, At the Cause Castle Inn. in this Town, On Monday, the 13th of December, 1858, AT Four O'Clock in the Afternoon, (by order of the Executors of the late James Hughes, Esq.,) subject to Conditions, and in the following or such other Lots as shall be agreed upon at the time of Sale.
Aberystwyth Observer 4.12.1858

Pursuant to the several Acts for the Belief of Insolvent Debtors in England.
THE County Court of Cardiganshire, holden at Cardigan, the Eleventh day of January, 1859. Upon the due filing of the Schedule of WILLOUGHBY Miller, late of the Cause Castle Arms, Pier Street, and of Upper Portland Street, in the Town of Aberystwith, in the parish of Llanbadarnfawr, in the County of Cardigan, Attorney at Law, Solicitor, Magistrates' Clerk, and Clerk to the Commissioners of Income Tax, …
The Welshman 4.2.1859

TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, on Friday, the 25th day of February, 1859, by Mr. John Evans, at the CAUSE CASTLE ARMS INN, in the town of Aberystwith, between the hours of 5 and 6 in the evening,
Aberystwyth Observer 5.2.1859

JOHN EVANS, CAUSE CASTLE ARMS INN, Pier Street, Aberystwith, BEGS most respectfully to return his sincere thanks to the Public generally for the liberal support given him during his occupation of the above premises, and to inform them that he is about to REMOVE to a larger and more commodious House and premises in Bridge Street, known at present as the CARPENTERS' ARMS, opposite the North and South Wales Bank, where he hopes to be favoured with a continuance of their patronage. Good Stabling and Lock-up Coach-houses. AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER
Aberystwyth Observer 5.11.1859

TO BE LET, And Entered upon the 25th March, 1860, THAT excellent DWELLING-HOUSE and Premises, now occupied as a Public House, called THE CAUSE CASTLE, situate in Pier Street Aberystwith. Apply to Mr. F. R. Roberts, Solicitor.
Aberystwyth Observer 12.11.1859

In the County Court of Cardiganhire holden at Aberystwyth. IN the matter of John Evans, late of the Cause Castle Arms, Pier Street, in the town of Aberystwyth in the County of Cardigan, but now of the Castle Inn, Bridge Street, in the town of Aberystwyth afore- said, Auctioneer and Victualler, adjudged Bankrupt on the 22nd day of March, 1866. AN Order of Discharge will be delivered to the Bankrupt after the expiration of thirty days from this date, unless an appeal be duly entered against the judgment of the Court, and Notice there-of be given to the Court. Dated this 23rd day of June. 1866
AO 7.7.1866

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