The database currently contains details of 1002 pubs and other premises, 256 places and 209 people. There are also 329 photos and postcards, 80 pub signs, 672 newspaper articles, 253 maps and 104 documents. About 134 pubs are still open.
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Details of pub: Derry Arms, Llangybi (p)
Other names: Derry Ormond ArmsAddress/Location: OS Grid Ref: Opened: c. 1885
Type: Pub
Notes: 1887
Will Pritchard Lic.
"BIRTHS- PRITCHARD June 28th, the wife of Mr Will Pritchard, Derry Arms. Llangybi, of a son. "
"LLANGYBI. A. SAD FATALITY. On Monday afternoon last, an inquest was held at Derry Ormond Arms, Llangybi, before Dr. Rowlands, coroner, and a respectable jury, of whom the Rev. William Evans, the Vicarage, Llangybi, was the foreman -touching the death of Walter Pritchard, aged two years and nine months, the son of Mr William Pritchard of the said place, innkeeper, who died from the effects of injuries he received by accidentally falling from a cart about six p.m., on Saturday last. Mr Pritchard and the deceased had been to Lampeter transacting business during the day, and returned to Derry Ormond station by the afternoon train, where they were met by a cart to take a number of casks of beer home, and after loading, the deceased was put in the front part of the gambo with the reins. After they had proceeded as far as Maesyffynon chapel, another little boy come up and walked along by the side of the cart, and the deceased in looking down at him lost his balance, and fell over the side on his head to the road. Mr Pritchard immediately picked him up in an unconscious state, and carried him home, and Dr. Griffiths of Lampeter was soon in attendance, when he rallied a little, but about half-past ten he succumbed to his injuries. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death by a fall from a cart. Great sympathy is felt in the neighbourhood for Mr and Mrs Pritchard who are greatly respected in their bereavement. " Cmn Jnl 2 May 1890
"Derry Ormond Arms, Llangybi This house is, although newly built, unfit, for habitation on account of the walls being damp" C N 28 Aug 1891
"In the parish of Llangybi the public house called Derry Arms is very damp and must be pronounced unfit for habitation unlesss something is done to make the walls drier" Medical Officer CN 12 Feb 1892
"LLANGYBl. ACCIDENT.-On Monday last Mr Evan Tom Evans, son of Sarah Evans, Derry Arms, met with a rather serious accident. While preparing to go to an entertainment his foot slipped and he sustained a fracture of the arm." CN 16 Nov 1900
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