N.B. Some pubs do not appear on the maps as we do not have a definite location for them.
Details of pub: Lisburne Arms, Aberystwyth
Other names: Address/Location: 4, 4a, 5 Northgate Street
OS Grid Ref: SN5865781821
Opened: before 1875
Type: Pub
Summary: A little more is known about this pub than others because references to it have been searched for in local newspapers (most of which are digitised). It shows that it changed hands many times: the leaseholders were the brewers Allsops then Worthington then the local brewer David Roberts. The licensees changed quite often, two of whom became bankrupt. It was closed by the Licensing committee as part of the scheme to reduce the number of pubs in Britain.
This is a summary, with details below:
1875 Licensee: John G. Roberts
1877 Licensee: Margaret Jones
1877 Licensee: Thomas Salmon
1893 The Lisburne Arms was up for auction
1896 Sub-let to Samuel Allsop and Son [Brewers]
1898 Thomas Salmon left to take over the Terminus Hotel, Aberystwyth
1898 Licensee: Mrs Sarah M. Buzzard
1898 Licensee: Thomas D. Lewis
1899 The Lisburne Arms was up for sale. It was withdrawn when the bids reached £2,600
1900 Sold privately to Messrs D. Roberts and Sons. Ltd., brewers, Trefechan
1900 Lease of land transferred from Worthington and Co to David Roberts and Sons
1900 The Lisburne Arms offered for lease
1901 The Lisburne Arms again offered for lease.
1901 Licence transferred from David Thomas Lewis to Edward John Edwards
1902 Edward John Edwards became bankrupt
1902 Contents of the Lisburne Arms to be sold by the bankruptcy receiver then withdrawn
1902 License transferred from Mrs Laura Roberts to Mr Isaac M. Humphreys
1903 Former owner, Mr Salmon becomes bankrupt
1905 Licensee: Lemuel W Griffiths
1906 Licence transferred from L W Griffiths to Mrs Ellen Bennison
1907 The Lisburne Arms owned by Francis Bennison
1917 Still owned by Bennison
1919 Closed
Notes: 1827
[This early date applies to the building: it might not have been a pub at that time.]
Abstract of deeds, Ceredigion Archives, SMB/A 43
Lisburne Arms, John G. Roberts, Inn and Public House, 4 Northgate Street, Aberystwyth, (Worrall’s Directory, 1875)
William Davies, Ffestiniog, a tramp, was charged by P.C. Thomas with going into the Lisburne Arms [Aberystwyth] on Tuesday, and pretending to be very ill. The landlady gave him some porter, and afterwards he asked for some brandy, which was supplied to him, and he went off without paying for it. The police-officer next saw prisoner in the water-closet at the railway station, where he was pretending to be very ill. Fined 20s, and costs, or in default twenty-one days' imprisonment.
Cambrian News 30.7.1875
Fixtures and part of the furniture to be had on valuation. Immediate Possession.
Apply to E. JONES, on the premises.
Cambrian News 25.8.1875
A similar objection [to reduce intoxication] was made to Margaret Jones, of the "Lisburne Arms," but the licence was granted, no complaint having been made against the house.
Cambrian News 31.8.1877
"Mrs. Jones, Lisburne Arms, was also charged with having three unstamped measures in her possession. They were correct, and Supt. Lloyd stamped them, and sent them back to her so that she might not suffer any inconvenience. Fined Is., and costs 7s. 6d." CN 9 Feb 1877
lease transferred from: John Morgan to Mrs Margaret Jones
Ceredigion Archives, Aberystwyth Corporation Deeds 43.9
The Bench granted a temporary transfer ... of the Lisburne Arms from Mrs Jones to Thomas Salmon.
Cambrian News 5.5.1882
Hugh Thomas, Pound-place, Aberystwyth, stone mason, was summoned by P.S. Morgan for being drunk and disorderly on the 14th March. P.S. Morgan said at about six o'clock on the light of the 14th March he was in Northgate-street and found that Hugh Thomas had been expelled from the Lisburne Arms. He was dead drunk. He then became disorderly. Witness persuaded him to go home but he would not go. His wife then took him home by force. Defendant was fined 2s. 6d. and 8s. 6d. costs.
Cambrian News 20.3.1885
Auction of the public-house or inn called Lisburne Arms, situated in Northgate-street, Aberystwyth, in the occupation of Mr Thomas Salmon, and held by him under a lease for twenty-one years from the 12th day of May, 1878. at the yearly rent of £19.
Cambrian News 6.10.1893
assignment from: Richard Morgan & Rowland Richards to: T.E. Salmon
Ceredigion Archives, Aberystwyth Corporation Deeds 43.9
Sub-let to Samuel Allsop and Son [Brewers]
Abstract of deeds, Ceredigion Archives, SMB/A 43
surrender by T.E. Salmon to: Aberystwyth Corporation
Ceredigion Archives, Aberystwyth Corporation Deeds 43.9
Ceredigion Archives, Aberystwyth Corporation Deeds 6.12
The Bench agreed to the transfer of the licence of the Lisburne Arms Hotel from Mr Thomas E. Salmon to Mrs Sarah M. Buzzard, and that of the Terminus Hotel from Mr William Thomas to Mr Thomas E. Salmon.
Cambrian News 3.6.1898
Mr Thomas D. Lewis, Llanellwedd Villa, Builth Wells, applied for the temporary transfer of the license of Lisburne Arms from Mrs S. A. Bazzett [sic] to himself, and the application was granted.
Cambrian News 9.9.1898
TOWN OF ABERYSTWYTH. IMPORTANT SALE OF A FULLY LICENSED PUBLIC HOUSE. Mr R J. E. JAMES has received instructions to offer for Sale on an early date the messuage or Public House known as the LISBURNE ARMS, Aberystwyth. Also the messuage Shop and premises adjoining. The property is held under a lease from the Corporation of Aberystwyth for the term of 75 years from the 12th November, 1894. Rents payable, £7 14s 3d and 5s payable half-yearly on the 12th October and 12th May respectively. For further particulars, apply to the Auctioneer, 12, North-parade, Aberystwyth.
Cambrian News 2.6.1899
Mr J. E. James, auctioneer and valuer, Aberystwyth, offered for sale at the Lion Hotel, on Monday afternoon the public house known as the Lisburne Arms, Aberystwyth, (and the messuage shop and premises adjoining) The property is held under a lease by Messrs Worthington and Co., Burton-on-Trent, from the Aberystwyth Corporation for a term of seventy-five years from November, 1894. There was a good attendance which included a large number of licensed victuallers. Bidding started at £1,000 and by additional bids of £500 and £100 each went up to £2,600, when the property was withdrawn. Amongst the bidders were representatives of Messrs Roberts. Brewery Company, Aberystwyth, Lichfield Brewery Company and Allsopp Brewery Company.
Cambrian News 4.8.1899
SALE.—The Lisburne Arms Hotel, Aberystwyth, and premises have been sold by private treaty by Mr J James, auctioneer, to Messrs D. Roberts and Sons. Ltd., brewers, Trefechan.
Cambrian News 5.1.1900
Assignment from: Worthington and Co to: David Roberts and Sons
Ceredigion Archives, Aberystwyth Corporation Deeds 39.17
THE LISBURNE ARMS, Aberystwyth, TO LET possession March 25th next. Apply, David Roberts and Sons, Ltd., Brewers, Aberystwyth.
Cambrian News 23.2.1900
THE LISBURNE ARMS, ABERYSTWYTH, to Let. Situated in good position. Present occupier taking to larger business. Immediate possession can be had. Apply to the Proprietor
Cambrian News 4.1.1901
Transfer of licence of the Lisburne Arms from David Thomas Lewis to Edward John Edwards
Cambrian News 5.4.1901
BANKRUPTCY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Edward John Edwards of the Lisburne Arms Hotel, Aberystwyth, was on the 14th day of April, 1902, adjudged Bankrupt by the County Court of Cardiganshire holden at Aberystwyth.
Cambrian News 18.4.1902; 25.4.1902; 30.5.1902
PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. LISBURNE ARMS HOTEL, ABERYSTWYTH. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, TRADE UTENSILS, AND OTHER EFFECTS. MESSRS. DANIEL, SON, & MEREDITH have been instructed by the Official Receiver to Sell by Auction on TUESDAY, MAY 13th, 1902 the whole of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, TRADE UTENSILS, and other effects. Sale to commence at 2 p.m
Cambrian News 2.5.1902
Cambrian News 9.5.1902
Mr G. F. Roberts applied for the temporary transfer of the licence of the Lisburne Arms Hotel from Mrs Laura Roberts to Mr Isaac M. Humphreys, Little Darkgate-street. The application was granted.
Cambrian News 12.12.1902
MR. T. E. SALMON'S AFFAIRS. EXAMINATION IN BANKRUPTCY. The examination in bankruptcy of Mr T. E. Salmon, Terminus Hotel, Aberystwyth, formerly a member of the Town Council and Aberystwyth Board of Guardians, was conducted at the Town Hall by Mr Thomas Thomas, official receiver in bankruptcy, Carmarthen, before Mr Registrar Davies. …
Before he went to the Terminus, he added in reply to questions, he was at the Lisburne Arms as yearly tenant for two years before he left in March, 1898. He was owner of the Lisburne Arms at one time and sold in 1896 or 1897 to Worthington for £ 3,500. The property was mortgaged and the actual surplus was £300. He commenced at the Terminus in March, 1898, going there straight from the Lisburne Arms.
Cambrian News 13.2.1903
Petty Sessions: Aberystwyth; number on list: 22; name of premises: Lisburne Arms ; Parish / Place: Aberystwyth; Licensee: Lemuel W Griffiths; owner or tenant : tenant; registered owner: David Roberts and Sons; free or tied: tied; tied to: Aberystwyth Brewery; type of licence: full; on or off licence: on; number of licenced days per week: 7. (1905 list)
Ivor Evans applied for the temporary transfer of the Lisburne Arms from Mr L W Griffiths to Mrs Ellen Bennison. There being no objection on the part of the police, the application was granted.
Cambrian News 23.11.1906
BENNISON'S POSTING STABLES, PORTLAND STREET (late Skating Rink), ABERYSTWYTH. The best-appointed LIVERY AND POSTING STABLES In Aberystwyth. HORSES AND CARRIAGES of every description FOR HIRE. Landaus, Victorias, Waggonettes, Phaetons, Dog-carte, Governess, &c., by the day or hour. Weddings and Funerals furnished at reasonable terms. All Orders, which may be left at Lisburne House or the Stables, promptly attended to. LISBURNE ARMS HOTEL, NORTHGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, F. BENNISON, Proprietor, Comfortable Smoke Rooms, Beer, Wines, Spirit, of the Best Quality.
Cambrian News 4.1.1907
BENNISON'S LISBURNE ARMS HOTEL, NORTHGATE 00. STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. ROBERTS' CELEBRATED ALES on Draught and in Bottle. BASS in Bottle and GUINNESS'S STOUT. Comfortable Smoke Rooms, Wines, Spirits, & Cigars of the Best Quality.
Cambrian News 19.7.1907
Mr. and MrsCambrian News . Bennison, Lisburne Arms, Northgate-street, have been notified that their second son, Frank, a driver in the Cardiganshire Battery, was killed in action on April 21st.
Cambrian News 11.5.1917
The police objected to the licences of the Freemasons Tavern Bridge street and South road (George Jenkins, occupier); Three Horse Shoe, Gray's Inn-road (Mr. David Davies); Victoria Hotel, Baker Street (Mr. T W Rees); and the Lisburn Arms Northgate street, (Ellen Bennison). The police submitted that the houses could be done away with, and that their trade was very small. There were already too many public houses in the town. The population of the town was 8,794, being 199 persons for each public house of which there were forty-four. The houses were referred to the Compensation Authority, and were provisionally renewed.
The Cambrian News and Merionethshire Standard, 7th March 1919
Listed for closure by the local licencing committee, Valued for compensation at £421. Licence temporary renewed because of lack of compensation funds, but paid (and the pub closed) within a short time.
(County Licencing Committee, 1905-1938 Ceredigion Archives, Cards/QS/L/1)
Compensation for Licences
In the case of Lisburne Arms (licensee, Mrs Ellen Bennison, and owners, Messrs. David Roberts and Sons, for whom Mr. W. P. Owen appeared), the annual trade profits were fixed at £42 13s. 4d. and the total for six years at £256. The annual value of the premises with licence was £42 and without licence £37, and the difference on fifteen years purchase was estimated at £75. Depreciation on trade fixtures was valued at £27 15s and the total compensation recommended was £358 15s. Major Fossett Roberts estimated that without licence and stripped of fittings, the annual value of the premises was £30, and not £37. To convert the premises would mean considerable expenditure. Replying to the Chief Constable, he admitted that the superficial area was greater than that of adjoining property Mr. John Evans, town clerk, on behalf of the Aberystwyth Town Council, as owners of the property in fee simple, appeared in support of the claim for apportionment of the compensation allowed.
Cambrian News 11.7.1919
Among the many freehold properties owned by David Roberts and Sons, 31.3.1926
NLW, Roberts and Evans, David Roberts of Trefechan CB7/7
[The Roberts brothers did not always sell pubs which had closed because they continued to produce an income for them as houses.]
Additional informationMap:
North Parade / Queens Road / North Gate, Aberystwyth, 50 inch, 1887

North Parade / North Gate, Aberystwyth, 50 inch, 1905

Off-sale prices
Date: 1894

People associated with this establishment Worthington and Co. [brewer], [-]