N.B. Some pubs do not appear on the maps as we do not have a definite location for them.
Details of pub: Dinas Hotel, Penparcau
Other names: Address/Location: Penparcau Road
OS Grid Ref: SN5881980505
Opened: c.
Closed: 1889
Type: Pub
Summary: On 2017 Ceredigion map as Dinas House. On 1888 25-inch as Dinas.
Obituary of John Morgan in 1903, states that his father, Henry Morgan, had built the Dinas Hotel.
Notes: 1870
"DISTRESSING CASE OF STARVATION. On Tuesday morning last information was given, we understand, by Mr H. Morgan, of Dinas Hotel, Penparkau-road, respecting a young man who appeared to be a tramp, who was found that morning lying by a haystack, in a field near the Penparkau-road, and was so exhausted that he could not move from the place. He was conveyed to the workhouse in a cart, under the superintendence of Sergeant Evans, and we have been informed that he lies there in a very precarious state." CN 5 March 1870
"Selling Beer without a Licence. Henry Morgan, of Dinas Hotel, Penparkau-road, was summoned for this offence. Adjourned for a week. " CN 5 March 1870
"Selling Beer without a Licence.-This was an adjourned summons taken out by Mr Walter Hickox, supervisor of excise, against Mr Henry Morgan, of Dinas Hotel, Penparkau-road. The defendant appeared, admitted the charge, and was fined £12 10s., with a recommendation from the Bench that the Board of Inland Revenue should further mitigate the penalty to £1, and 7s. 6d. costs. CN 12 March 1870
"Refusing to Pay Poor Rates. --Thomas Beyston, of the Cross Foxes Inn, Mill-street, and Henry Morgan, of the Dinas Hotel, Penparkau-road, were summoned for refusing to pay poor rates due in respect of the premises they occupied, Mr Richard Samuel, the collector, proved the fate to have been due, and that he had made repeated demands for it. The defendants were respectively ordered to pay forthwith; in default a warrant to issue." CN 1 Oct 1870
"Alleged Appropriation of Whiskey.-Lewis Jones, Fountain Court, Aberystwyth, was charged by Henry Morgan, Dinas Hotel, with unlawfully appropriating to his own use three gallons of gin and three gallons of whiskey, given him to take to prosecutor's house. It was decided that there was no case of appropriation, as the spirit jars were broken, and it was also clear that the case was not a larceny.-Dismissed. " CN 19 June 1874
"Drunk on Licensed Premises. James Thomas, Pont-llanychaiarn, butcher, was charged with being on licensed premises, the Dinas Hotel, on the 19th March. Defendant was drunk.-P. C. Joshua Lewis said there were two pigs on the road. One pig had its two hind legs broken. Defendant was very drunk. On awaking the man came out. The pig with its legs broken was bleeding. Where the fracture was, there was a place in which he could put his finger. Defendant, on being asked by the magistrates if he was drunk, said he did not know. The officer would be better able to answer that question than he was-Fined 5s., and costs. " CN 23 March 1877
A fatal case of diphtheria reported at the Dinas Hotel.
AO 23 Feb 1878
The licence of the Dinas Hotel was transferred from Mr. David Pugh to Mr. John Morgan.
Cambrian News 9.1.1880
"Meyrick Gibbon, Cardiff, pedlar, was charged by P.C. Thomas Davies (15) with having slept in an outbuilding at Dinas Hotel without visible means on the 22nd May, and was sentenced to seven days hard labour" CN 25 May 1888
On Thursday morning, the adjourned licensing sessions were held at the Town Hall. The Borough Magistrates present granted the license of the Farmers' Arms (which was objected to), but refused to renew the licenses of the Dinas and Welsh Harp Hotels.
Licence was not applied for
Cambrian News 6.9.1889
Application for new licence by owner Mr Francis Bennison,Terrace Rd. Reported in AO 4 Oct 1900. Refused.
1901, 1903, 1908
Dinas House to let
"TO BE LET, Dinas House, close to Aberystwyth, better known as Dinas Hotel, containing seven bedrooms, two sitting rooms, two kitchens, etc., etc.. with large garden, stable, and Coach-house. -Apply, F. Bennison, 63, Terrace- road, Aberystwyth."
Fields near old Dinas Hotel, Aberystwyth.
Among the many freehold properties owned by David Roberts and Sons, 31.3.1926
NLW, Roberts and Evans, David Roberts of Trefechan; CB7/7
Additional informationNewspaper:
Drunken woman turned away
Date: 1877

Alleged indecent assault
Date: 1870

People associated with this establishment Morgan, Henry [1818-1874]