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Details of pub: Three Salmons, Newcastle Emlyn / Castell-newydd Emlyn

Other names: Three Salmon
OS Grid Ref:    NOT IN CEREDIGION (Carmarthen)
Opened: c.      
Closed: NOT KNOWN       Type: Pub
Summary: Not to be confused with the Three Salmons, Water St, Carmarthen

Notes: 1830 David Evans (Pigots Directory for South Wales and Monmouthshire)

1878 Description of the bar and otters - see attachment

1880 David Davies (Slater's Directory of N & S Wales etc.)

"The license of the Three Salmons Inn, Newcastle- Emlyn, was temporarily transferred from the late David Davies, deceased, to his widow Ann Davies" AO 15 Jan 1881

"NEWCASTLE-EMLYN. A very sad case of drowning took place in this town between 6 and 7 o'clock on Wednesday (the 8th inst) A little girl named Hetty Ellen Lewis, aged 7 years, daughter of Mr. Evan Lewis, of the Three Salmons Inn, was gathering flowers on the castle grounds, in company with her little brother, who is about five years old, and another little girl about six years, and it is believed that the deceased in trying to pick a flower growing close to the water's edge, fell headlong into the river Tivy, and lost her life long before any assistance was procured. Mr. John Davies, of the County Court Office on being told of the sad occurrence, brought his coracle to the spot with the least possible delay, and in about 15 minutes succeeded in recovering the body" Cmn Jnl 17 May 1889

"P.S. Rogers against Evan Jones, Three Salmons Inn, Newcastle-Emlyn, innkeeper, charged with drunkenness. Defendant did not appear, and was fined 5s and costs" CmnJnl 5 Aug 1892

Additional information


Problems of otters - and description of the bar

Date: 1878