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Details of pub: Jolly Sailor, Cardigan / Aberteifi

Other names:
Address/Location: Short Row
OS Grid Ref: SN17994603 approx
Opened: c.      
Closed: NOT KNOWN       Type: Pub
Summary: In existence 1844 (Glen Johnson's list from Trade Directories, Census returns etc.)

Short Row runs between the Red Lion and Finches Square. Nothing shown on 1889 OS map

There's a Catherine Davies living in 3 Short Row in 1891 (next to Red Lion). By 1905 The Red Lion had absorbed 3 Short Row.

Notes: 1845
"T Davies, of the Jolly Sailor, was charged with behaving in a disorderly manner in the the public street, on the night of the 11th instant, was reprimanded and discharged on payment of costs." Pembs Herald, 17 Jan 1845

Finch's Square, Licensee: Davies, David
Slater’s Directory, 1868 (not in Worrall's directory, 1875)

"We went from the public house above referred to, to the Jolly Sailor, and called for some ale. Was told they had none." Welshman 25 Dec 1868

"STEALING A WEDDING RING.-At a sessions held at the Guildhall, on Thursday, the 25th ult. (before the Mayor, Messrs. J. I. Jones, J. Edwards, and J. Thomas), Catherine Davies, late of the Jolly Sailor, was brought up in custody by P.C. David Phillips charged with having stolen a gold ring, value £1 1s and a tumbler glass, value 4d., the property of David Williams, Bridge Parade. The ring and glass were identified by Mrs. Williams. The prisoner in her defence admitted taking the glass, but said she did not know the ring was with it till she heard it drop to the ground. She was committed for trial to the Quarter Sessions at Aberayron, bail being accepted." AO 4 Oct 1873

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